Vibrant Hawai’i contracted Fixed to prepare a toolkit to support capacity building of members of their alliance of NGOs to in turn support improved resilience in the vulnerable communities that they serve. Fixed developed and delivered the toolkit and the capacity building remotely, from South Africa.

Vibrant Hawai’i
Vibrant Hawai’i, Kirsten Thomson
In 2020, Vibrant Hawai‘I, an alliance of NGOs, was awarded a CARES grant through the County of Hawai‘i to build the capacity of Hawai‘i Island residents to deliver training and technical assistance to organizations and communities to develop wellness and resilience skills. In partnership with the Fixed team, Vibrant Hawai‘i engaged multi-sector volunteers from all districts of Hawai‘i to work with us in a joyous and inspiring process, to refine the Fixed Resilience toolkit and then to capacitate local development practitioners to use it.
The Resilience Toolkit was designed in response to the global crisis in mental wellness which was accelerated and exacerbated by COVID-19. It assists individuals, teams and communities to acknowledge and celebrate the resilience DNA of Hawai‘i Island and offers some simple practices that help contain and manage the disruption and impact of trauma, uncertainty and loss generally, as well as of COVID-19 specifically.