Systemic Strategy
Using everything we have learnt through the process so far, how do we move closer to What it Looks Like When it’s Fixed? Through the what’s negotiable, visioning, assessment and mapping exercises useful information has been generated through facilitated inclusive consultation. This information is now mobilised to build a strategy for sustainable, systemic activities that will respond to the complexity of the problem as well as of the local context, give opportunities to all partners to be useful, minimise unforeseen consequences, provide for impact measurement, learning from experience and strategy calibration over time, with an ongoing emphasis on founding principles, collaboration, sustainability through systemic transformation. This process is facilitated as a combination of Fixed™ drafting and workshops with key players in strategy sign-off and implementation. We are often called by clients to develop strategies, which comes easily with the benefit of all of the research and consultation that precedes this step, what is really is difficult is the step that follows, implementation, and this is where we advise a bigger investment of time and energy.
Systemic strategy delivers a strategy document which contains a framework for activities, outputs, time-frames, communications, impact measurement and knowledge management. This document is adopted by our client and becomes the basis for the document delivered in implementation planning.